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About me

I am a Data Scientist at Wayfair in Boston. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC where Dr. Timothy Menzies acted as my advisor. My defense [talk] and related [research article] can be found online. My research involved Hyperparameter tuning, Software Analytics, Machine learning and Data Mining (4+ years of experience).. Previously, I have worked as a Data Scientist Intern at IBM RTP with Devops Insight Team under the guidance of Donald Cronin. I also worked with Chao Han as a Data Scientist Intern at Lucidworks Inc. 


Rewarded with Full Scholarship to pursue PhD. Published 10+ papers in top International Software Engineering (SE) Conferences & Journals such as ICSE, MSR, FSE, IST, TSE. Provided a better, simpler and faster optimizer called DODGE for software analytics.

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